Tuesday, December 23, 2008

2008 in Review: Winter and Summer addendum

Benny feels he's blending into the woodwork and hasn't been featured nearly enough in this photo review. He has a point. Truth be told, our faithful mutt could use more exercise and more brushing. To his credit, he has learned to be content in all things.

Allie gets home after dark this winter because of soccer. Jim left work early one day to get a shot of her recent game. She loves the endorphin rush that follows each practice if not the demanding coaches who keep them conditioning rain or shine.

As Reid mentioned in his favorites, Borders bookstore invited The Kingsmen for a second gig, to play their Holiday Party. Reid and his buds brought the crowd some Christmas cheer and had them singing carols. He's stepped into the self-appointed role of "front man," introducing each song and band member from the microphone. His latest tactic is to begin clapping during the last measure of each song as if to cue the audience that it is time they show their appreciation. Wonder where he got this leadership skill?

Here's another great shot from Jim's Camera Bag iphone app. Reid and The Kingsmen played All These Things that I've Done by The Killers at all 3 of our services at church last Sunday. It was an incredible day of experiencing how the Holy Spirit works through resonance; not so much what was said but how it all worked together was powerful. The message by our Pastor Josh, an introduction by Angela Neve, the advent reading Allie did, and the lyrics of this secular song moved like sound waves to illustrate the Advent Conspiracy call to "love all." Truly amazing and masterminded by a God worth yielding to.

As we draw this Christmas Countdown blog to a close I must admit to finding gaps, edits, and multiple ways to rework it...maybe next year? Most notably, I made reference to the Moriarty Family Reunion in Hatteras but never illustrated it. It was a week well worth the decade-long wait to get everyone together in four houses along the Outer Banks. The overabundance of photos taken that week eluded me until now, although I am confident they are stored for eternity on Shutterfly?*! (Turns out they were on Jim's computer.) So, in the spirit of an Endless Summer, I'll conclude the photo montage with these lost and found shots of our week on the Atlantic.

Jim gave everyone tattoos to celebrate the pirate lore of the region; I led a kayak expedition fit for foolhardy die-hards(and took most of the pictures so I'm not in them!).

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