Wednesday, December 17, 2008

2008 in Review: Fall

This September Allie started at a new private high school in our area, Pacific Ridge. She is loving the increased challenge across the board. Their hallmarks are academic excellence, ethical responsibility, and global engagement. Her faith is growing in new ways (despite leaving the Christian school) as are her soccer skills, dramatic reading, Harkness discussion ability and writing proficiency.

Which do you prefer, the spiffy new uniform or the Jack Johnson tour t-shirt and earbuds?

We spent a weekend up in the mountains with Benny.

Andrea and her mom celebrated their November birthdays at Lake Austin Spa. We did not wear towels the entire time--just when paparazzi approached. When I received the following photos on my phone, I figured Jim must have everything under control at home.

Our year is sprinkled with musical events, like this San Diego Youth Symphony concert in October.

Allie is there in the white blouse, second to last row! See her with the flute?

Reid performed at the San Diego Walk Now for Autism event with his band, The Kingsmen, as well as with the In Harmony Band, Kibbles Rockin' Clubhouse and as a soloist. He can't get enough time in front of an audience so says yes to everyone who asks.

Including the music director at our church! We are grateful for his encouragement and interest in the band. He made it possible for them to record a CD in the sanctuary (above, Reid must have goofed) and play as guests during Advent at all three services. He recognizes the unique message these guys deliver especially in a church setting. Check them out on