Monday, December 15, 2008

2008 in Review: Reid's Spring

Reid is in a band called The Kingsmen with 3 other guys his age. They performed at Borders bookstore to an audience of many of his teachers, friends, and intrigued shoppers. The manager invited them back for their in-store Holiday Party so, we considered it a success! Reid's at the keyboard. (above)

Another song at the same Borders gig. Very apparent that night was Reid's leadership skill. He likes to start the guys off and is pretty adept at working the crowd too.

Last Easter morning, Reid asked our Pastor Josh to baptize him (as he had seen Allie do the previous October). Soon after, we gathered for a glorious Saturday morning at the beach to witness his public profession of faith including a song he'd written with his piano teacher.

Not a bad family portrait--no balloons, just watermelon which is safe for seals.

This is Reid's favorite shot of what he saw when he emerged from the water--everyone cheering! He often sleeps with it and carries it to school.

The House of Blues Gospel Brunch for Father's Day was memorable. Jim joined all the dads on stage to rock out with these ladies. Reid caught them afterwards for a photo!

In June, we had to say goodbye to Carla. She spent the year back here in San Diego getting another Master's degree. She is home with Sean now, having their first baby and waiting for God to open a door for them to return together to the States.

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